Posted by
putp1put39 on May 21, 2014 in
40k Space Marine,
King Ecgbert,
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What the heck, 2 posts in one week! whats going on? Well its been a year since the Blog re-launched I have a steady seven Subscribers ( Its that box on the right saying subscribe) and all is well. Major drive to increase my fan base having no success I have told three more people (look at me go). So its time to throw more resources at it, everything including the Kitchen Sink. As you can see I even employed time travel in order to spice up my past and make myself more interesting, only time will tell if this will work. The penguins have devised a very clever marketing strategy and are offering a mug to the 25th subscriber, or more accurately raffling a mug when we get to 25 subscribers. (May be an Antique by then.) I have made my photo content more available and have signed up for a second Flickr account under the fantastic moniker (no not Monica) Funky Nomad, not to be confused with FunkyNomad that’s the me that builds 40k Space Marines. so what have I put on Flickr? Well so far Charlie Don’t Surf, Kings Croft common room (That’s where I went to school 6th form) and First 35mm, the first roll of 35mm film I took; in which the usual suspects appear. The Hare and Hounds, The Devonshire Arms and The Crown (Pubs in case you were wondering). Going forward you can just click on the photo to go straight to it ( If its in an Album in my Photostream, some stuff won’t be) or use the funky new menu button Flickr Photostreamits at the top of the page. So what else have I done to entice you funky followers? You can see at the top of the Home page a shiny new Logo, and we have a wordle or what ever it is in the side bar, this was made for my by #1 Daughter for Fathers Day 2 years ago and is as far as she is concerned the essence of who I am to her. I am so impressed with myself through her eyes I have been trying to live up to it ever since. By sporty she means Mountain Walking , Biking, Canoeing and general summer outdoor stuff. Don’t ask me to kick a football the end results will be...