So what have we here , well a selection of the good Lady’s You-tube clips she has thousands, that replace the links on my deactivated Facebook. Just stuff that makes my heart light and love the journey that is my Tribe and occasional blasts from the days of VHS and even Super 8. (This is a work in progress so have patience)
The very popular “Go Beaver” and the epic “Big Ribs” wobbly camera work by #1 Daughter and silly voice by #1 Son ( Aged about 8 and 10 give or take)
The very annoyed or possibly annoying, noisy, grumpy Squirrel who did not like my camping shirt. ( Probably the same squirrel who stole half the apple pie. “Who ate all the pie? Who ate all the pie? You fat Squirrel you fat Squirrel you ate all the pie.”)
So here it is Funky Nomads Big Ribs, however you will notice its all about veg skewers. Sorry about that may have a video of said ribs somewhere.
So sorry about the music but here is 41 seconds of Rib and Skewer madness.