So here we are the Final Countdown the big one the last one, the final decade. 2020 to 2030, if we are all still here and everything has gone to plan no WWIII or Climate Apocalypse, Solar Flare, Alien Invasion etc WE CAN RETIRE. Done, no more working for the MAN with that in mind I reckon that gives us 120 opportunities to do something meaningfull in preparation. Surely one step a month should be doable.
Obviously reviewing Crappy Pension ™ options it occurs to me I will either have to eat Pasta every day or spend some time somewhere cheap especially when the Snow and -45 c takes hold. Hence the winter escape plan.
and of course street BBQ all sorts of delicate bits on sticks.
Stuff on sticks Awesome.
Lots to keep me busy there appears to be many Antique houses and storefronts that need rescuing and travelling about by pump boat is lots of fun even if occasionally the belt comes of and they explode in a cloud of smoke or that I am a bit too heavy and occasionally tip them over. I have been working on it in the last 2 years down from 233lb to 213lb only 10lb to go to my 14s7lb target.
Its possible that I may be able to get closer to hearing all 1001 Albums before the end. 120 x 2 = 240 pay days at 2 CD for $10 that’s 480 CD plus the few hundred I already have means I may make it it also means I will have to spend $2500 + but seems very reasonable to me..
With that in mind my 15 year thank you from the company, points to spend on Amazon. See my new Marantz CD & Media player .
And for Christmas from #1 Daughter and Santa some CD’s
That leaves me with the 2019 Family portrait not my best work but you get the Idea.