The Slow Pitch Softball season opens , # 1 Son makes the team draped in the Lucky # 13 shirt playing at Catch and a wicked hitter. Playing at St Rose home of # 1 Daughters school, rivalry is high (Fortunately # 1 Daughter is grade 7 and did not try out for the team) #1 Son is grade 9. Sun shines Lady wife and myself slope off work to view the exploits a great opportunity to try my new 80-300 lens. Game goes great H.E.B win by 2 runs Slurpies on the way home all is well. In the next game # 1 Son Pitches as buddy is out of town, hits 4 home runs and H.E.B win 21-6 all is right in the world…… This is a very good time to remember pride come before a fall and curve balls exist in this world?