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Tribe 2014

Tribe 2014

So here we are again ready to set out on our summer camping adventure and still no signs of photos from 2013. Especially if you were looking for how my Landscape              re- emergance is going. For Landscapes you have three years or twenty nine years  of missing Images depending how you look at these things. Is it time for a retrospective? Yes I think so will it be just yet? Probably not but soon images will creep on to Flickr webecised but probably not high enough res to print. Of the photos I like a bit more I guess I should do a posting  because there has been quite a lot of effort invested. As usual with any passion there are doubts, how good do you have to be to have the arrogance that the world wants to see your photographs especially if you are daft enough to demand a persons soul should shine from the results (Post to come, I have recently found out you can prepare posts ahead of time and schedule their release, so 4 posts lined up and this still here post to let you know I have not been sitting around doing nothing)


Of course you don’t mind me showing you pictures of the Tribe…. Yes I know its Jasper 2013 but It appears my official blog style is think about it for 1 year distill its essence and then post.






#1 Son playing for the Longhorns ( That’s him 6’3″ in the $179 Green Shoes ) and # 1 Daughter playing at the Winspear Centre and the Wife in the back yard.

I also thought it might be a good Idea to stick a shot of me here in action hunting down those elusive landscapes. They are so hard to capture with all that shyness and moving about.




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