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So panic has set in, the last few days have been truly miserable, spurred on by the Penguins and some suggestion from various Gurus on the interweb it appears that the whole point of a Blog is to have subscribers (who Knew)  by doing all sorts of clever social media marketing and networking you can get some. So I have ordered 100 shiny business cards ( I guess this is an old school solution)  with the blog address on them and and and………..




I didn’t want a bloody blog in the first place, I was trying to do a WordPress website for my photos, and found this template  and well its front page was a Blog format. It had a Flickr feed so I linked that to my 40K feed (got to have content and that’s the only thing I had digitized and ready to go).  I could not make it do what I wanted (WordPress/template thingy) so the only option left was to give up or do what it wanted. So I have a Blog. So what was I to do with a $9.99 a month 150gb web site? And so was born the Funky Nomad  and (because the real me is not that exciting on the outside but a legend on the inside.)

And everything would have been fine if my head had not exploded  there were Penguins everywhere (I am blaming Wes & Dan for this.) By the time I had all the penguins stuffed back in their boxes with some complaints apparently they are not that keen on standing on their heads. I had a mission and had no intention of shutting up ever again. (her’s me initially thinking I could get away with a hand full of crappy old photos.)

The stuff that was on the inside was now on the outside. The slow calcifying death that was my journey to conformity; something I had never done before was beginning to seriously mess with my mental health now that I was trying it for the first time. (being normal that is) I was like Frodo, stabbed with a Morgal blade slowly slipping into the shadow world.

Wes and Dan saved the day, it appears  I was right and everyone else was wrong, Teachers, Parents, Society as a whole, the Universe. There is more than one way of doing things and my way is such a good alternative  I was asked as a guest speaker to the local college (I think my job was to scare everyone shitless or make a good case for care in the community).

What of Toast I here you ask, this is all well and good but we are here because we need to know about toast. So here it is riseanddeardemise is my mental health project and Toast can be too! or any other tool that works for you. I was reading an article  from Utne Reader from a few months ago and this article caught my eye primarily  the Toast and the idea that Toast could fit its self into a Hipster backlash. I have tried wearing them and they are too tight for me. Last year or the year before I became aware of Hipsters bumped into a Hipster and totally managed to fail to communicate. Received a bewildering harsh from the kids about Hipsters only to find out that it was just this retro thing and as it turns out “Dads are the Original HIPSTERS” . Saw the web site during my fevered research and bought the book and its all true. I knew it all, the question is or was am I going to get tarred with the same brush? It certainly gives me the opportunity to bring forth images and antics from the past and not have to do too much explaining and possibly get some cool kudos out of it. It makes a frame of reference for so many old photos that I may no longer have to explain on the other hand maybe I will.

Toast, $4 a slice Artisan Toast spreading over the San Francisco bay and allegedly heading East. Trouble coffee & coconut club. the epicenter of the tsunami and it did not make any sense to a Brit mainly because you can get toast everywhere in the old home land. My earliest memory is of Toast, white sandwich bred covered in butter back in the day a nice snack at preschool before a quick nap. I mean I can have Beans on Toast, Welsh rarebit (cheese on toast sort of), Sardines on toast if I want and obviously you can put Jam and Marmalade on it and once it got to the late 1970’s  I think it even became OK to put Peanut butter and Jam on it, why you would want to perch a jelly on it was beyond me. Of course the only true accompaniment for me is Marmite.

So what’s with Toast well the combination on offer at Trouble seems to be available in a unique form. Build your own dam house. Toast a young coconut and a shot of grapefruit juice! I was puzzled until I read further and it was a combination of sanity for the owner a map to mental health and a way of not losing oneself for ever something I have become worried about and started my mental health project riseanddeardemise. Is it working? Maybe, but now I have another blueprint.  I can buy a small garden shed install it on a small overgrown lot downtown and pitch my sanity menu the stuff that saved me on the dark journey. Marmite on Toast, Vindaloo Liver and Onion Curry and Merrydown cider. Not sure it will catch on or even if its recommended but its an option, just saying…..




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