Here is our last adventure of the 2012 Father and Daughter trip to Jasper. Still excitedly talking about our night out at the Jasper Heritage Rodeo from the day before. We saddle up the Blazer and set off to Pyramid Lake to hire ourselves a canoe for the morning, we have our picnic packed and the sun is out.
So we leave Lothlorien our Lembas securely packed away in our reusable Walmart bag……… ? (well Black-forest ham, Havarti cheese and cucumber rolls, Juice boxes and granola bars) and head out on a great adventure to find the end of Pyramid Lake via the fabled picnic beach on its far distant shore.
I have always been partial to Lord Of The Rings at times insanely so. To find the giving of gifts missing in the film ( obviously not the only thing missing ) unhinged my delicate sensibilities.
( I was only told this by a second party as I had flatly refused to have anything to do with the watching of these movies.) Which any of you that know the version of me that lives in Canada that never seems to have them out of the DVD player may come as a bit of a surprise. Why is that you ask? and its a good question. We are now in 2001 I am no longer what can be considered young and my life no longer is firmly attached to L.O.R , D&D and other youthful passions. I stopped re reading L.O.R through every summer back in 1989 when I joined the RAF now 12 years later coming out the other side I have some distance between said tome.
And I hear that an extended edition is on its way with at least that bit back in ( even if they are the wrong gifts ! My kids must be tired of me mentioning Sam’s Elven rope, and its beyond counting the number of times I have told them it has the wrong ending. But if I focus on the small things and ignore the wider sweep I have come to love it.)
So long story short :-
Christmas 2002 under the Christmas tree “The Fellowship of the Ring” extended boxed set.
Christmas 2003 under the Christmas tree ” The Two Towers”
And Christmas 2004 ” The Return of the King” ( The year Santa stole the TV, he didn’t really but I will tell you all about it at a later date.)
And as you all know being a little OCD I now get up early on Boxing Day and start with disc 1 and watch Lord of The Rings (Extended) all the way through, sometimes I am still watching it the next day. even the bits I used to skip in the book I am not one for Frodo and Sams walking holiday to Mount Doom.
So putting aside the vagaries of a Tolkien fetish ( Only a mild one I don’t speak Elven or dress up or anything) what did #1 Daughter and I talk about during our canoe adventure? Well we talked and talked and talked (I am sure you all find it surprising I have a daughter who talks as much as I do, we live in our own little worlds oblivious to outside interference ) We talked about starting a new school year at a new school (Junior High) what friends were going to be with her who she would be leaving behind, #1 Daughter had decided to go to a different school than her brother smaller with one of the best academic records in the city, smaller and a longer bus ride away no more just walking across the road. I must admit I was a bit worried. My daughter was not as bold at going forth as my son and I, however she has bloomed she is up nearly an hour before her brother catches her bus and has never missed it all year. Her report cards are excellent at times even beating her brother well these days always beating her brother. Thanks to this trip to Jasper 1 year later I can say we talk and talk and talk and plan and have daily adventures. We watch movies buy albums and listen to all sorts of bands I recently had to go out and buy her “Dark side of the Moon”. We write together plan Novels, invent characters annoy the hamster Mr Creamcicle and generally make no sense to anyone listening to us. I could just have a blog about how much joy she brings me ( Best of all she puts up with me rabbiting on about how many times you here about Buffaloes, Cowboys and Cowgirls in the lyrics of “Phil Lynott” ).
Any way that’s that, Aug 2012 finally comes to an end in July 2013.